INSPIRING WOMEN series - Izabela Janachowska

In the second instalment of our 'Inspiring Women' interview series, we host Izabela Janachowska - Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Party & Wedding, TV presenter, YouTuber, style creator and creator of Poland's first wedding Concept Store. What do you start your day with? When it comes to that first activity right after waking up - always with a warm cup of tea. A moment later I run [...].

INSPIRING WOMEN series - Natalia Uliasz

We chose a special date, Women's Day, to open our new series 'Inspiring Women'. This holiday has become a symbol of celebration of our femininity and an excuse to talk about things that are important to us and share inspiring stories. One of the first women we have observed, admired and wanted to talk to for a long time is Natalia Uliasz - model, girl from [...]

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